Top 100+ Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys List (A to Z) 2025, PDF Available, Windows, Mac, PC, Word, Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Top 100+ Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys List:- In today’s fast-paced digital world, mastering computer keyboard shortcuts can drastically improve your efficiency and productivity. These shortcuts provide quick access to various functions, whether you are navigating through Windows, Mac, Microsoft Word, Excel, or PC applications. This comprehensive guide covers the most important keyboard shortcuts you need to know, arranged from A to Z, and also offers a PDF download for easy reference.

Top 100+ Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Computer keyboard shortcuts are essential tools that can transform the way you interact with your digital environment. These key combinations allow you to perform tasks more efficiently, saving time and minimizing the need for repetitive mouse clicks. Whether you’re drafting documents, managing emails, or navigating between applications, understanding and utilizing keyboard shortcuts can streamline your workflow and boost productivity. By incorporating these shortcuts into your daily routine, you can work smarter and achieve more with less effort.

Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys

What Are Computer Shortcut Keys?

Computer shortcut keys are combinations of keyboard presses that allow you to perform specific tasks more quickly. For example, instead of using your mouse to copy text, you can press Ctrl + C. By reducing the need for mouse clicks, these shortcuts help you complete tasks faster.

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Basic Computer Shortcut Keys (A to Z)

Basic Computer Shortcut Keys_1

Alt + EEdits options in the current program.
Alt + TabSwitch between open windows.
Alt + FShow file menu options in the current program.
Alt + F4Close the current window.
Alt + Page UpScroll up the entire screen.
Alt + Page DownScroll down the entire screen.
Alt + Left ArrowGo to the previous page in browser history.
Alt + Right ArrowGo forward in the browser window.
Alt + EnterShow properties of the selected item.
Ctrl + ASelect all text.
Ctrl + XCut the selected item.
Ctrl + DelDelete selected items.
Ctrl + C / Ctrl + InsCopy the selected item.
Ctrl + V / Shift + InsPaste the selected item.
Ctrl + HomeGo to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + EndGo to the end of the document.
Ctrl + SOpen the “Save As” dialog box.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + Alt + DelOpen Windows Task Manager.
Ctrl + NOpen a new window or document.
Ctrl + HOpen the history tab/bar.
Ctrl + JOpen the downloads tab/bar.
Ctrl + FOpen the find utility.
Ctrl + POpen the print dialog box.
Ctrl + EscOpen the Windows Start menu.
Ctrl + “+”Increase the zoom level.
Ctrl + “-“Decrease the zoom level.
Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4Close the current tab.
Ctrl + TOpen a new tab.
HomeGo to the start of the current line.
EndGo to the end of the current line.
Shift + DeletePermanently delete files.
Ctrl + YRedo the last action.
Ctrl + KInsert hyperlink for the selected text.
Windows key + LLock the computer, requiring password entry to access again.
Windows key + XAccess the Power User Tasks Menu in Windows 8 and 10.
Windows key + ↓Minimize the active program window.
Windows key + ↑Maximize the active program window.
Ctrl + ←Move one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + →Move one word to the right at a time.
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Windows Task Manager.
Shift + HomeHighlight from the current position to the beginning of the line.
Shift + EndHighlight from the current position to the end of the line.

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Windows Keyboard Shortcuts Keys

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts Keys

F2Rename the selected icon.
F3Find anything on the desktop.
F4In Windows 95 to XP, open the “Locate” window.
F5Refresh the contents of the Windows system.
Alt + F4Close the currently running program.
Ctrl + F4Swiftly close a document.
Ctrl + Plus KeyAdjust the widths of all columns in Windows Explorer.
Alt + Print Screen / Win + PrtScnTake a screenshot of the current screen.
Ctrl + Alt + DelReboot or open Windows Task Manager.
Ctrl + EscActivate the Start menu.
Alt + EnterOpen the properties window for the selected icon or program.
Win + XShow shutdown options.
Win + LLock the computer screen.
WinDisplay or hide the Start screen.
Win + DShow or hide the desktop.
Win + EOpen File Explorer.
Win + MMinimize all open windows.
Win + Shift + MRestore all minimized windows.
Win + PSelect a presentation display mode.
Win + QOpen the search menu.
Win + ROpen the “Run” dialog box.
Win + ZDisplay commands for the current open window.
Win + Down ArrowMinimize the desktop window or clear the current application.
Win + Up ArrowMaximize the window.
Win + Left ArrowMaximize the window to the left side of the screen.
Win + Right ArrowMaximize the window to the right side of the screen.
Win + “+”Zoom in using the magnifier.
Win + “–”Zoom out using the magnifier.
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Windows Task Manager.
Ctrl + HomeGo to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + EndGo to the end of the document.
Shift + HomeHighlight from the current position to the beginning of the line.
Shift + EndHighlight from the current position to the end of the line.

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Shortcut Keys for MS Word

Shortcut Keys for MS Word

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + NNew document
Ctrl + OOpen document
Ctrl + SSave document
Ctrl + PPrint document
Ctrl + ZUndo action
Ctrl + YRedo action
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + XCut selected text
Ctrl + VPaste copied text
Ctrl + BBold text
Ctrl + IItalicize text
Ctrl + UUnderline text
Ctrl + FFind text
Ctrl + HReplace text
Ctrl + KInsert hyperlink
Ctrl + LAlign left
Ctrl + EAlign center
Ctrl + RAlign right
Ctrl + JJustify text
Ctrl + DFont dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease font size
Ctrl + SpaceRemove formatting
Ctrl + EnterInsert page break

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MS Word Shortcut Keys

MS Word Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + BBold highlighted selection
Ctrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + XCut selected text
Ctrl + NOpen a new/blank document
Ctrl + OOpen document
Ctrl + POpen the print window
Ctrl + FOpen find box
Ctrl + IItalicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + KInsert link
Ctrl + UUnderline highlighted selection
Ctrl + VPaste selected text
Ctrl + G / Ctrl + HFind and replace options
Ctrl + JJustify paragraph alignment
Ctrl + LAlign selected text or lines to the left
Ctrl + QAlign selected paragraphs to the left
Ctrl + EAlign selected text or line to the center
Ctrl + RAlign selected text or lines to the right
Ctrl + MIndent the paragraph
Ctrl + THanging indent
Ctrl + DOpen font options
Ctrl + Shift + FChange the font
Ctrl + Shift + > / Ctrl + ]Increase selected font size by 1
Ctrl + [Decrease selected font size by 1
**Ctrl + Shift + ***View or hide non-printing characters
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove one word to the left
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove one word to the right
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove to the beginning of the line or paragraph
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove to the end of the paragraph
Ctrl + DelDelete the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the word to the left of the cursor
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + SpaceReset highlighted text to the default font
Ctrl + 1Single-space lines
Ctrl + 2Double-space lines
Ctrl + 51.5-line spacing
Ctrl + Alt + 1Change text to heading 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2Change text to heading 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3Change text to heading 3
Shift + F3Change the case of the selected text
Shift + InsertPaste
F4Repeat the last action performed
F7Spell-check selected text and/or document
Shift + F7Activate the thesaurus
F12Save as
Ctrl + S / Shift + F12Save
Alt + Shift + DInsert the current date
Alt + Shift + TInsert the current time
Ctrl + WClose document
Ctrl + =Set chosen text as subscript
Ctrl + Shift + =Set chosen text as superscript

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MS Excel Shortcut Keys

MS Excel Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + CCopy selected cells
Ctrl + VPaste selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeysSelect multiple cells
F2Edit the selected cell
F4Repeat the last action
F5Go to a specific cell
F7Spell check on selected text and/or documents
F11Create a chart
Ctrl + Shift + ;Enter the current time
Ctrl + ;Enter the current date
Alt + Shift + F1Insert a new worksheet
Shift + F3Open the Excel formula window
Shift + F5Bring up the search box
Ctrl + BBold highlighted selections
Ctrl + IItalicize highlighted selections
Ctrl + DFill down
Ctrl + KInsert links
Ctrl + F / Ctrl + HOpen find and replace options
Ctrl + GOpen go-to options
Ctrl + UUnderline highlighted selections
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + 5Strikethrough highlighted selections
Ctrl + OOpen options
Ctrl + NOpen a new document
Ctrl + F9Minimize the current window
Ctrl + F10Maximize the currently selected window
Ctrl + POpen the print dialogue box
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + F6Switch between open workbooks/windows
Ctrl + `Insert the value of the above cell into the current cell
Ctrl + Page Up / Page DownMove between Excel sheets
Ctrl + Shift + $Format number in currency format
Alt + =Create a formula to sum all of the above cells
Ctrl + TabMove between two or more open Excel files
Ctrl + Shift + !Format numbers in comma format
Ctrl + Shift + %Format numbers in percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + ^Format numbers in scientific format
Ctrl + Shift + #Format numbers in date format
Ctrl + WClose document
Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire column
Ctrl + Shift + @Format number in time format
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove to the next section of the text
Shift + SpaceSelect the entire row

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Special Characters

Keyboard Shortcuts for Special Characters

Shortcut KeySpecial Character
Alt + 0224 / Alt + 133à
Alt + 0232 / Alt + 138è
Alt + 0236 / Alt + 141ì
Alt + 0242 / Alt + 149ò
Alt + 0241ñ
Alt + 0228 / Alt + 132ä
Alt + 0246 / Alt + 148ö
Alt + 0252 / Alt + 154ü
Alt + 0248ø
Alt + 0191¿
Alt + 0231ç
Alt + 0198 / Alt + 146Æ
Alt + 0223ß
Alt + 0153
Alt + 0177 / Alt + 241±
Alt + 0174®
Alt + 0176 / Alt + 248°
Alt + 0169©
Alt + 0128
Alt + 0162¢
Alt + 0163£
Alt + 0165¥
Alt + 1
Alt + 16
Alt + 17
Alt + 171½
Alt + 172¼
Alt + 224α
Alt + 225ß
Alt + 226Γ
Alt + 227π
Alt + 228Σ
Alt + 239
Alt + 35#
Alt + 36$
Alt + 37%
Alt + 242
Alt + 243
Alt + 247

Shortcut Keys for Gmail

Using Gmail can be much easier with the help of shortcut keys. Here’s a list of useful Gmail shortcuts:

Shortcut Keys for Gmail

Shortcut KeyFunction
.aReply to all
.cCompose a new email
.eArchive the email and return to inbox
.gGo to inbox
.rReply to the sender
+uMark as unread
++cAdd CC recipients
++bAdd BCC recipients
.]Archive the email and proceed to the next email

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Shortcut Keys for YouTube

Here are some commonly used keyboard shortcuts for YouTube:

Shortcut Keys for YouTube

Shortcut KeyFunction
JRewind 10 seconds
LFast forward 10 seconds
Left ArrowRewind 5 seconds
Right ArrowFast forward 5 seconds
Up ArrowIncrease volume
Down ArrowDecrease volume
FEnter/Exit fullscreen
CToggle captions/subtitles
0-9Seek to 0-90% of the video
HomeGo to the beginning
EndGo to the end
/Search within the video
NNext video in playlist
PPrevious video in playlist
+=Increase playback speed
Decrease playback speed
Shift + >Increase playback speed by 10%
Shift + <Decrease playback speed by 10%

Shortcut Keys for Google Chrome

Make your browsing more efficient with these Google Chrome shortcuts:

Shortcut Keys for Google Chrome

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + TOpen a new tab
Ctrl + WClose the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab
Ctrl + TabSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl + 1 to Ctrl + 8Switch to specific tab (1 is leftmost)
Ctrl + 9Switch to the rightmost tab
Ctrl + NOpen a new Chrome window
Ctrl + Shift + NOpen a new Incognito window
Ctrl + L / F6Highlight the address bar
Ctrl + EnterAdd “www.” and “.com” around typed address
Ctrl + Shift + BToggle the bookmarks bar on/off
Ctrl + HOpen the browsing history
Ctrl + Shift + DeleteOpen the Clear browsing data dialog
Ctrl + FFind on the current page
Ctrl + G / F3Find next occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3Find previous occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + JOpen the Chrome DevTools
Ctrl + Shift + CInspect an element with the DevTools
Ctrl + +Zoom in
Ctrl + –Zoom out
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom to default
Ctrl + Shift + RReload the current page, bypassing cache
Alt + Left ArrowGo back one page
Alt + Right ArrowGo forward one page
F5 / Ctrl + RReload the current page
Ctrl + DBookmark the current page
Ctrl + Shift + DSave all open tabs as bookmarks in a folder
Ctrl + Shift + OOpen the Bookmarks Manager
Ctrl + Shift + POpen an Incognito window
Ctrl + JOpen the Downloads page
Ctrl + UView page source
Ctrl + SSave the current page
Ctrl + PPrint the current page
Ctrl + F5Clear the cache and reload the page

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Shortcut Keys for Competitive Exams

Here are some essential shortcut keys for computer tasks during competitive exams:

Shortcut Keys for Competitive Exams

Shortcut KeyFunction
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Y / Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + +Zoom In
Ctrl + –Zoom Out
Ctrl + WClose the current window/Tab
Ctrl + NNew File/Document
Ctrl + OOpen File/Document
F5 / Ctrl + RRefresh
Alt + Tab (Windows) / Command + Tab (Mac)Switch between applications

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Downloadable PDF of All Shortcut Keys:

For your convenience, we’ve compiled a PDF with all the shortcut keys covered in this guide. This comprehensive list is perfect for quick reference or printing.

Download the Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys PDF: Click Here 

Why You Should Learn Keyboard Shortcuts:

Mastering keyboard shortcuts can:

  • Improve your productivity by reducing the time taken to perform repetitive tasks.
  • Minimize the strain caused by excessive mouse usage.
  • Boost your confidence when working with applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or web browsers.

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Whether you’re working in Windows, Mac, MS Word, or Excel, knowing these keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity. Start incorporating these shortcuts into your daily tasks and notice the improvement in speed and efficiency!


What are computer keyboard shortcut keys?

Keyboard shortcut keys are combinations of keys that perform specific functions quickly without the need to navigate through menus. They help streamline tasks and improve productivity by reducing the time spent on repetitive actions.

How do I use keyboard shortcuts?

To use keyboard shortcuts, press and hold one or more modifier keys (such as Ctrl, Alt, or Shift) and then press the designated key for the action you want to perform. For example, pressing Ctrl + C copies the selected text.

What are some common keyboard shortcuts for Windows?

Common Windows shortcuts include Ctrl + C (Copy), Ctrl + V (Paste), Alt + Tab (Switch between applications), and Windows + D (Show/Hide desktop).

How can keyboard shortcuts improve productivity?

Keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve productivity by allowing you to perform tasks more quickly and efficiently. They reduce reliance on the mouse, minimize navigation through menus, and enable faster execution of common functions.

Are there keyboard shortcuts for specific applications like Microsoft Word or Excel?

Yes, most applications have their own set of keyboard shortcuts. For example, in Microsoft Word, Ctrl + B makes text bold, while in Excel, Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys selects multiple cells. Refer to the application's documentation for a comprehensive list.

How can I remember all these shortcuts?

Practice and repetition are key to memorizing keyboard shortcuts. Start with the most commonly used ones and gradually incorporate more into your routine. Many applications also offer cheat sheets or help menus that list available shortcuts.

Can I customize keyboard shortcuts?

Yes, many applications and operating systems allow you to customize keyboard shortcuts according to your preferences. Check the settings or preferences menu of the application or system to see available options for customization.

What is PDF shortcut?

To save a webpage as a PDF, press Ctrl + P to open the print dialog. From there, select Save as PDF as your destination.

Can I create custom shortcut keys?

Many applications offer the option to customize shortcut keys. To explore this feature, check the settings or preferences section of the application you're using.

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