What Is Monkeypox? Mpox, मंकीपॉक्स वायरस क्या है, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Virus Types

What Is Monkeypox- In November 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) rebranded monkeypox as mpox. This virus has been causing significant disruptions in various African countries. Recently, a suspected case of mpox was reported in India. According to a statement from the Union Health Ministry, the individual exhibiting symptoms of mpox had recently returned from abroad and is currently in isolation at a hospital.

Authorities are conducting contact tracing to identify individuals who may have come into contact with the suspected case and are reviewing the patient’s travel history. The National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) is actively investigating the situation. On August 14, the WHO had previously declared monkeypox a global health emergency. The mpox virus, related to the smallpox virus family, is less severe than smallpox.

What Is Monkeypox?

Mpox, previously known as monkeypox, is caused by the Mpox virus, which belongs to the same family of viruses as smallpox. Individuals with mpox typically develop a rash that progresses through several stages, including the formation of scabs, before eventually healing. Mpox is distinct from chickenpox. As a zoonotic disease, mpox can be transmitted between animals and humans. It is primarily found in Central and West Africa, where it is endemic. The virus responsible for mpox has been identified in various small rodents, monkeys, and other mammals in these regions.

In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) renamed the disease to adhere to updated guidelines for naming illnesses. These guidelines aim to avoid causing offense to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional, or ethnic groups and to prevent negative impacts on trade, travel, tourism, or animal welfare. However, the virus itself retains its historic name.

What Is Monkeypox

Monkeypox (Mpox) Overview

Article Name
What Is Monkeypox?
Former NameMonkeypox
Current NameMpox
Virus FamilyPoxvirus family (same as smallpox)
Endemic RegionsCentral and West Africa
Virus CladesClade I: Central and Eastern Africa; historically more severe, lower current death rates (~1-3.3%)
Clade II: West Africa; responsible for global outbreaks since 2022, generally less severe (~99.9% survival)
TransmissionClose physical contact with infected individuals
Direct contact with contaminated materials (e.g., bedding, clothing)
Contact with infected animals
SymptomsInitial: Fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue
Rash: Progresses through stages (macules, papules, vesicles, pustules, scabs)
Risk Factors for Severe Disease
  • Weakened immune systems
  • Children under 1
  • History of eczema
  • Pregnant individuals
Prevention MeasuresVaccination (consult healthcare providers)
Avoid close contact with rash or contaminated materials
Isolate if infected and cover lesions; use a mask
Avoid contact with wild animals in endemic areas
DiscoveryDiscovered in 1958 in monkeys; first human case in 1970

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मंकीपॉक्स वायरस क्या है?

मंकीपॉक्स, जिसे अब आधिकारिक तौर पर म्पॉक्स (Mpox) कहा जाता है, एक वायरस के कारण होने वाली बीमारी है जिसे मंकीपॉक्स वायरस (Monkeypox virus) कहते हैं। यह वायरस पॉक्सविरिडी (Poxviridae) परिवार के ऑर्थोपॉक्सवायरस (Orthopoxvirus) जीनस से संबंधित है, और यह उसी परिवार का हिस्सा है जिससे चेचक (Smallpox) का वायरस भी आता है। मंकीपॉक्स मुख्य रूप से त्वचा पर दाने और अन्य लक्षण पैदा करता है और यह एक जूनोटिक बीमारी है, जिसका अर्थ है कि यह जानवरों से मनुष्यों में फैलती है।

मंकीपॉक्स वायरस

Introduction to Mpox

Mpox, previously known as monkeypox, is a viral disease that belongs to the same family as smallpox. The term “mpox” was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 to modernize the naming of the disease, following guidelines that aim to prevent cultural, social, and economic impacts. Despite the name change, the virus remains historically referred to as the Monkeypox virus.

What Is Causes Of Mpox Virus?

Mpox is caused by the Mpox virus (MPXV), which is a double-stranded DNA virus approximately 200 kilobases in length, belonging to the Poxviridae family and the Orthopoxvirus genus. This virus is closely related to the virus that causes smallpox, a disease that was eradicated in 1977 through widespread vaccination. The Mpox virus was first identified in 1958 when a monkey colony in Copenhagen, Denmark, developed skin lesions similar to those caused by smallpox. Although the disease was named “monkeypox,” it is important to note that the virus is not transmitted to humans through monkeys. Instead, it is primarily spread by rodents, not monkeys.

What Is Causes Of Mpox Virus

The disease is endemic in parts of Central and West Africa, where the Mpox virus has been detected in various small mammals and primates. The initial outbreak of mpox was identified in monkeys in 1958, and the first human case was reported in 1970 in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Symptoms of Mpox

Symptoms of Mpox

The clinical presentation of mpox typically includes a rash that progresses through several stages. Here are the common symptoms:

  • Initial Stage: Fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue.
  • Rash Development: A rash appears, which evolves through stages including macules, papules, vesicles, pustules, and finally scabs.
  • Recovery: The rash gradually heals, but the process can take several weeks.

Virus Types and Epidemiology

There are two primary clades (types) of the Mpox virus:

  1. Clade I: This type is predominant in Central and Eastern Africa and historically has been associated with more severe illness, with higher mortality rates. However, recent outbreaks have shown a decrease in the death rate to approximately 1-3.3%.
  2. Clade II: This clade is responsible for the global outbreak that began in 2022. It is generally less severe, with over 99.9% of individuals surviving infections. Clade II is the most common clade in West Africa.

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How Mpox (Monkeypox) Spreads?

Mpox can spread through various routes:

  • Close Contact: Including intimate physical contact with an infected person.
  • Contaminated Materials: Direct contact with materials such as bedding or clothing used by an infected person.
  • Infected Animals: Contact with animals carrying the virus, particularly in endemic regions.

Complications of Monkeypox or Mpox

While most individuals recover from Mpox without serious issues, some may develop complications such as:

  • Secondary bacterial infections affecting the skin and soft tissues
  • Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
  • Pneumonia (lung infection)
  • Sepsis (a life-threatening condition caused by the body’s extreme response to infection)
  • Corneal involvement, potentially leading to vision impairment
  • Loss of vision in severe cases
  • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle)
  • Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart’s surrounding lining)

Risk Factors for Severe Disease

While most mpox cases are not life-threatening, certain individuals are at higher risk for severe illness:

  • People with weakened immune systems
  • Infants under one year of age
  • Individuals with a history of eczema
  • Pregnant individuals

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How is Monkeypox (Mpox) diagnosed?

Laboratory-based diagnostic techniques are critical for confirming Mpox infection and assessing its prevalence. While indirect tests detect the patient’s immune response, direct methods, such as nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), identify the virus’s DNA sequences.

Early detection is key for successful treatment and control. Common diagnostic methods for Mpox include:

  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): Identifies the virus’s genetic material.
  • Blood tests: Detect antibodies, indicating past infection.
  • Imaging tests: Sometimes used to analyze skin lesions for diagnosis.

Treatments Of Mpox Virus

Measures to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading a mpox:

  • Vaccination: Consult healthcare providers about the availability and recommendations for the mpox vaccine.
  • Avoid Close Contact: Steer clear of individuals with a rash resembling mpox and avoid sharing personal items.
  • Isolation: If infected, stay at home, cover lesions, and use a mask around others.
  • Animal Contact: In areas where mpox is common, avoid contact with wild animals.


Mpox remains a significant concern in certain parts of the world. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and preventive measures can help manage and reduce the spread of this disease. Staying informed and following health guidelines are key to protecting yourself and others from mpox.


What is monkeypox (mpox)?

Monkeypox, now officially known as mpox, is a viral disease caused by the Mpox virus, which is part of the poxvirus family, similar to the virus that causes smallpox. It primarily causes a rash and flu-like symptoms and is zoonotic, meaning it can spread from animals to humans.

How does mpox spread?

Symptoms of mpox include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash that evolves through stages, from macules to papules, vesicles, pustules, and scabs. The rash usually appears a few days after the initial flu-like symptoms.

Where is mpox commonly found?

Mpox is endemic to parts of Central and West Africa. It is typically found in small rodents, monkeys, and other mammals in these regions. However, cases have been reported globally due to recent outbreaks.

What are the different types (clades) of the Mpox virus?

There are two main clades of the Mpox virus: Clade I: Predominantly found in Central and Eastern Africa, historically associated with more severe cases. Clade II: Found in West Africa and responsible for the recent global outbreaks, generally causing less severe illness.

What should I do if I suspect I have mpox?

If you suspect you have mpox, seek medical advice immediately. Isolate yourself from others, cover any rashes or lesions, and avoid contact with surfaces or materials that may be contaminated. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and get tested if advised.

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